Management essay samples

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Goals The main career objective in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration is to show one how to integrate marketing, management, finance and accounting concepts. The course prepares one to fully develop their organizational, analytical and ...


Question 1 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) This agency deals with the protection of consumers as well as the elimination and prevention of anticompetitive business practices.  It investigates the issues raised by consumers and businesses. These ...

An Ideal Job

1. Brainstorming The choice of the profession The payment, education, schedule and complexity of the work are among the main factors to make a choice about the future occupation. Ideal job for me is a position of a sales manager. The profession is ...

Apple Incorporated Strategic Management

Apple Incorporated is considered to be one of the best and most successful companies in the market. It is a multinational enterprise that deals with manufacturing and marketing of a wide range of personal computers, digital music players, devices ...

Autocratic Leadership and Job Satisfaction in Nurses

Introduction Leadership refers to the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward the goal achievement. Leaders can use a number of styles in order to make decisions (Colquitt, 2013). Leadership style is the way in which ...

Best Buy Organizational Structure

Introduction This paper has three objectives, such as to explore the background and organizational overview of Best Buy Co., to investigate the organizational structure of Best Buy Co., and to determine the roles of each of the departments in Best ...

Bounded Awareness and the Decision-Making Process

Question 1 The Space Shuttle Challenger disasters of 1986 occurred after the spacecraft faced technical issues 73 seconds into flight. The professional team overlooked safety measures resulting to the disaster. The measures included preparation and ...

Broadbanding System of Administration: The King Company

Broadbanding is a management system in a Human Resources department that enables the organizations that experience persistent market changes to remain competitive. The objective of this field is to regulate the salary and grade ranges effectively in ...

Challenges in ERP Implementation within the Indian Manufacturing Sector

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an IT based business management system the functions of which include the storing and management of information that is required within various stages of a business process. It incorporates information regarding ...

Change Theory

Organizational change is one of the most popular topics in organizational research and practice, and healthcare is not an exception to this rule. Contemporary healthcare is characterized by the growing number of private and public players. ...

Contingency Planning in Action

Introduction A contingency plan is developed to assist an organization recover in the soonest time possible from an event that disrupts its normal operations. These disruptions may come from natural calamities like the earthquakes, floods and ...

Delegation and Its Techniques

The Discussion of the Delegation Process Proper delegation involves the ability to give someone the responsibility of a certain task, understanding how they will accomplish it and the authority required to complete it. Effective delegation has ...

Employee Orientation

Introduction New employee orientation refers to introducing new employees to the workplace and its environment. It entails equipping the new employee with knowledge of his or her new physical working environment as well as the company’s ...

Functions of Management

In contemporary world, management remains a critical undertaking for organizational success. In this regard, the four functions play a major role in the daily functioning of a given organization. According to Thomas and Scott (2010), the four ...

Gender Diversity

Gender diversity in the workplace became a common phenomenon during the postwar period. There was a change in gender roles, especially after the First and Second World Wars. Women had to take the positions left by the men who participated in the ...

Government Contracts

Vectorcal Company Profile Vectorcal Company was founded in the year 1967. It expanded and grew owing the management of Azworld carbopie. The Vectorcal Company focuses on the production of electronics. It is located in California and responsible for ...

Institution Research Plan

Information Communication Technology (ICT) refers to communication systems that are integrated to be able to deliver appropriate information to a user or a decision maker. Some of the elements of ICT include computers, telephones, software, audio ...

Intervention, Direct Service Delivery & Case Management

In the community, there are a lot of people who require special attention. These groups require special people known as case managers. A case manager is a person who monitors coordinates and implements health’s needs of special people. A ...

Introduction to Emergency Management

A well-documented summary offers a preview of what the section of the book entails. In this preview, the authors introduce emergency management and its origin. The parliament introduced discipline in the 1960s into the American curriculum. The main ...

Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Question 1a For a long time, companies have been focusing on the significance of their human resources. There has been an impressive shift in the perspective regarding the relationship between an organization and its employees. There has also been a ...

Leadership in Criminology

Question 1. The leadership style that Captain Cheryl Waters exhibited with Lieutenant Mark Paris is transformative leadership style. From the article it is realized that Mark Paris decides that in order to revitalize bike patrol in bolstering public ...

Legal and Ethical Environment in Business: Corporate Social Responsibility and Whistle-Blowing

Overview of Social Corporate Responsibility in Etihad The essence of corporate social responsibility is to ensure the ethicality and legality of actions carried out by business organizations, which should act in accordance with the ethical and legal ...

Managing Independent Demand

Independent demand is the demand for a company’s finished products that has the pattern affected by conditions outside the firm’s operation and control. In light of this, external factors that affect the organization include general ...

Managing Organizational Change

Introductory Statement The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has been undergoing changes in its management since 2009. The changes were caused by the need to cut the costs of running subsidiaries by about 20 percent to ensure that the company ...

Managing Professional and Personal Sensitive Information

The article covers the issues sensitive information management which relates to the business operations. Universities have been studied as the establishments which have the challenge of not managing academic and administrative sensitive information, ...

My Team Leader

The name of my team leader is Fahad. He played an instrumental role in leading us successfully through our group project that was vital for our course. Admittedly, Fahad has been a great leader to us through the entire project. In this essay, I ...

Nonverbal Communication Analysis

Introduction Nonverbal communications skills are essential in marketing products in understanding of  the buyer and the seller. Through the skills, the two parties involved in buying and selling are able to understand each other’s needs ...

PMOK and ISO 9000

The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) is considered to be a collection of knowledge areas and processes which are generally accepted as best practice within the discipline of project management. It was developed by the Project Management ...

Professional Communication in Practice

It is believed that professional communication always tends to bring positive results if its theory is properly put into practice. However, common difficulties appear in unexpected circumstances when a person does not have the faintest idea of how ...

Prohibiting Discrimination

Introduction Following the declaration by the U.S. Supreme Court that all laws against discrimination are unconstitutional, it is the duty of employers to adopt policies and processes to prohibit any discrimination at the workplace. Discrimination ...

Project Portfolio Management Systems

Project portfolio management is a feedback loop of a continuous process by which IT management prioritizes and absorbs technology-related demand, allocates and plans human and financial resources, delivers expected investment results, manages ...

Project Two: Interview Project

Interview with a Person in My Field of Study The person that was interviewed is the marketing manager at The Arc of San Diego organization. Her name is Lauren Zamora. The interview concerns the practice of marketing in the real world and offers the ...

Questions Week 3: Human Resources and Project Management

I. The human resources plan includes the three elements, such as the forecasting of the staffing needs, the evaluation of the supply, and the strategies for balancing the supply and demand. The plan is crucial as it represents the strategy of ...

Respiratory Protection Selection

Personal Protective Equipment includes important devices that are used by the workers to be protected from the airborne hazards including toxic dust, mists, vapors or gases, and oxygen-deficiency. Regarding the fact that there exist four basic ...

Retail Business Management

Question 1 Online and brick-and-mortar shopping tend to compare as well as contrast in many ways. Most importantly, some of the ways in which they differ seem to be obvious such as online shopping is done through the Internet while brick-and-mortar ...

Situational Leadership

In order to be successful and thrive, every leader of an organization has to develop an effective leadership culture. Leadership culture is usually interpreted as a range of norms and attitudes that evaluate the managers’ leadership level in a ...

Strategies for Building Effective Relationships

Introduction Currently, for any business to realize growth and profitability, it is imperative to ensure that a good working relationship thrives in the workplace. Therefore, a business manager must play an active role in ensuring harmonious and ...

Substance Abuse in the Workplace

Introduction Substance abuse is harmful for practically all spheres of human life. Be it alcohol or drugs, such habit can hardly bring more good than a short-term relief. Moreover, it causes a number of negative short and long-term effects. ...

The Cash Conversion Cycle

Today, the improvement of profitability of the business is one of the major tasks of the financial manager. The cash conversion cycle plays an important role in the management of primary activity, profitability, and liquidity of the company. In this ...

The Concept of Organizational Design

The two articles reviewed in this paper touch on the subject of organizational effectiveness, although in different ways. While Sparrow and Cooper (2014) provide a historical perspective on organizational effectiveness theories throughout the 2nd ...

The Unilever Company

Unilever is among the largest firms in the world. The progress of this company has been a result of its organizational culture. Coupled with activities and policies, which have been implemented by firm’s leaders, it has been a great source of ...

Whole Foods III

Question 1 John Mackey is a transformational leader as he managed to make his organization grow effectively and on a consistent basis. He achieved it by making conscious decisions that positively impacted the organization. For instance, he first ...

Women as Leaders

The contemporary political systems of the world have a less number of women than men. It is due to a fact that women still struggle to succeed in the political sphere and contribute to the welfare of the whole nation. Madeline Albright is an example ...

WorldCom Corruption

Starting its activity in 1983,WorldCom was one of the leading telecommunications companies. It expanded rapidly in the 1990s due to numerous large acquisitions. It was named WorldCom Inc. in 1995 after it purchased Williams Telecommunications ... Testimonials

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