Online Custom «A Sample GAPS Analysis» Essay Sample

A Sample GAPS Analysis


The main career objective in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration is to show one how to integrate marketing, management, finance and accounting concepts. The course prepares one to fully develop their organizational, analytical and leadership talents. After completion of the degree program, one should be able to put into practice the skills learnt. The main development needs at AL Kamal Import Office Co. LTD include realizing the unique talents of employees in my team; their different understanding levels, objectives and responsibilities. There is the necessity to understand individual training needs of employees so as to provide the right training for each of them.

Training and development for employees improve performance, which in turn saves time, money and resources (Hughes et al., 2013). I will enlist the professional assistance of various heads of departments as well as seek feedback from team members. I wish to make employees I work with, feel more empowered and confident by encouraging them to set their own objectives as well.

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The experience I gained working for AL Kamal Import Office Co. LTD as the store manager and information system manager will go a long way in enhancing my career. I am proficient in managing information systems. I took part in hiring and training employees; evaluated performance, set up work schedules and goals for the company. Besides, I oversaw sales, customer service, inventory controls, merchandising, ordering and displays. I have been a mentor to junior employees, encouraging them to develop their potentials. I am a good listener, who believes that effective communication is very important at the workplace. I am a team leader; working as a team helps employees to realize their strengths and weaknesses. It helps improve their weaknesses. I hope to use my experience in management position in any company to further improve my leadership skills.

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My boss sees me as a team worker who is always efficient in delivery. The management at AL Kamal Import Office Co. LTD expects me to improve efficiency, and get the job done within the shortest time possible. The company deals with pharmaceutical, health and personal care products. Marketing is a core area that the management expects me to improve. AL Kamal Import Office Co. LTD encourages innovation, training and research so as to explore new markets, and assess the needs and preferences of consumers. Work colleagues see me as a mentor and a team player. The management feels that the 9-year experience I have gained at the company puts me in a better position for top management. Peers at the workplace encourage me to be more assertive and give more room for dialogue with employees in the instances of misunderstanding and miscommunication.

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On several occasions, the boss has commended me for my good job, especially in overseeing sales, training and performance evaluation. However, the management expects me to improve on my leadership and communication skills, by attending workshops and seminars (Achua & Lussier, 2010). Work colleagues sometimes think that I am “pushy”. I wish to improve on communication. The company has reported increased sales since I took over in 2001, at least going by the company's annual sales reports. It will be significant to look for the new ways of maintaining the high sales and improving profits for the company.

After comprehensive market feasibility study, new products will be developed and sold in new market niches (Hughes et al., 2013). I hope to use my experience and feedback from my boss, peers and colleagues to improve on my weak areas and develop my strong areas. I am going to attend leadership seminars and workshops, consult with leaders in other companies and read self-help leadership literature so as to improve service delivery at the company. Overall, I will strive to be a good listener, encourage innovation and creativity among employees.

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