Online Custom «Nonverbal Communication Analysis» Essay Sample

Nonverbal Communication Analysis


Nonverbal communications skills are essential in marketing products in understanding of  the buyer and the seller. Through the skills, the two parties involved in buying and selling are able to understand each other’s needs and agree on a price. Active listening and interpreting nonverbal cues serve equally important role as what is said (Webster, 2000). Therefore, sellers and buyers must develop such skills not just to send their message across, but also to offer most suitable services and products to their clients. The current paper provides an analysis of nonverbal communication in two videos by identifying and interpreting the nonverbal communication as expressed by each party in the buyer-seller exchange.

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Video 1: Property Virgins- CJ Video

Question 1

In the video, the parties involved use a number of nonverbal communications to engage one another. The buyers listen actively to the property agent by nodding their head whenever she is speaking. They also follow through with their active listening by asking questions for clarification. The parties in the communication exchange are making facial expressions to show their approval or disapproval of the house through rolling eyes, smiling, and raising eyebrows. Moreover, they keep an eye contact with the seller by looking at her as well as the product they want to buy. The buyers engage into careful examination of everything in the house to ensure that the product meets their needs. The buyers and the seller are also smiling at each other for encouragement. Finally, they use their hands for gestures and illustrations by having them move freely.

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Question 2

Through nonverbal communications, the seller is able to know that CJ is not satisfied and suggests that they move on to another house. For example, when CJ nodes his head with hands pocketed, the seller suggests that there is another house in the neighborhood. By looking around, while actively listening to the seller, the buyers are able to receive more information about the product they want. Thus, non-verbal cues allow collecting more information about the product before they decide to buy. Nonverbal communication is also helping the parties to make decisions about pricing. When the seller converses about the market price of the product, her facial expression seems to suggest that the price is the least in the market. However, from the gestures and hand movements, the buyers can tell that they can find a better offer in the market for a house that they would like. 

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Question 3

Through the theory of planned behavior, consumers can approach the process of buying a product in a structured manner. The theory posits that there are certain characteristics of how consumers make the decision to purchase a product in the market. The characteristics include the behavioral, normative, and control beliefs. Through behavioral beliefs, consumers form an attitude or opinion about what they want (Webster, 2000). The phenomenon can be equated to consumer perception and comprehension. It is also informed by the subjective norm, and the perceived behavioral control that the consumers consider. On the other hand, consumer memory and knowledge is derived from previous experiences in purchasing or the information from other consumers. Thus, CJ and his partner would seek to acquire information from consumers who had purchased a house previously in the same area. The available knowledge and experience help in forming the intention to purchase and ultimately the actual purchase.

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Question 4

The individual factor that should be included in the framework is the employment status of the consumer. Negotiating about a product without considering the financial ability of the consumer can be in futility, since the consumer will not be able to make the purchase even if the offer is appealing. By having a clue on the financial capability of the consumer, it is possible to use nonverbal communications tailored towards accomplishing the mission for selling the product.
Video 2: Shark Tank Episode Scrub Daddy Video

Question 1

In the video, the involved parties engage in nonverbal communication to convince the seller to give them the offer. The first notable nonverbal communication is active listening from the buyers as well as the seller. Active listening is evident in the way they node their heads, smile, respond to questions, and express themselves using gestures and hand movements. In the video, the seller engages the buyers through smiling, shaking his head, looking sideways to scan the room, and gesturing. On the other hand, the buyers use facial expressions, smiles, positioning, and posture, as well as eye contact to communicate their ideas directly to the seller.

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Question 2

Through nonverbal communication, the seller is able to read the mind of the buyers, how they view the product, and the level of interest that they have in the offer. By smiling always, the parties open up to each other for more information. The high social status of the buyers mask the response from the seller who seems is feeling inferior to the buyers in the video. The fact that the buyers are smartly dressed in official attires and the seller is wearing a t-shirt means that he is likely to be intimidated by the formal approach and the seriousness that the buyers attach to the deal. The environment in which the negotiation takes place also presents an official approach, totally different from the ever smiling and almost unsure face of the seller. However, his calculated response and occasional direct look in the face of the person speaking presents the seller as a competent dealer who should be taken seriously if any deal is to be made in this case.

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Nonverbal communications skills are essential in marketing products in understanding of  the buyer and the seller. Through the skills, the two parties involved in buying and selling are able to understand each other’s needs and agree on a price. Active listening and interpreting nonverbal cues serve equally important role as what is said (Webster, 2000). Therefore, sellers and buyers must develop such skills not just to send their message across, but also to offer most suitable services and products to their clients. The current paper provides an analysis of nonverbal communication in two videos by identifying and interpreting the nonverbal communication as expressed by each party in the buyer-seller exchange.

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Video 1: Property Virgins- CJ Video

Question 1

In the video, the parties involved use a number of nonverbal communications to engage one another. The buyers listen actively to the property agent by nodding their head whenever she is speaking. They also follow through with their active listening by asking questions for clarification. The parties in the communication exchange are making facial expressions to show their approval or disapproval of the house through rolling eyes, smiling, and raising eyebrows. Moreover, they keep an eye contact with the seller by looking at her as well as the product they want to buy. The buyers engage into careful examination of everything in the house to ensure that the product meets their needs. The buyers and the seller are also smiling at each other for encouragement. Finally, they use their hands for gestures and illustrations by having them move freely.

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Question 2

Through nonverbal communications, the seller is able to know that CJ is not satisfied and suggests that they move on to another house. For example, when CJ nodes his head with hands pocketed, the seller suggests that there is another house in the neighborhood. By looking around, while actively listening to the seller, the buyers are able to receive more information about the product they want. Thus, non-verbal cues allow collecting more information about the product before they decide to buy. Nonverbal communication is also helping the parties to make decisions about pricing. When the seller converses about the market price of the product, her facial expression seems to suggest that the price is the least in the market. However, from the gestures and hand movements, the buyers can tell that they can find a better offer in the market for a house that they would like. 











Question 3

Through the theory of planned behavior, consumers can approach the process of buying a product in a structured manner. The theory posits that there are certain characteristics of how consumers make the decision to purchase a product in the market. The characteristics include the behavioral, normative, and control beliefs. Through behavioral beliefs, consumers form an attitude or opinion about what they want (Webster, 2000). The phenomenon can be equated to consumer perception and comprehension. It is also informed by the subjective norm, and the perceived behavioral control that the consumers consider. On the other hand, consumer memory and knowledge is derived from previous experiences in purchasing or the information from other consumers. Thus, CJ and his partner would seek to acquire information from consumers who had purchased a house previously in the same area. The available knowledge and experience help in forming the intention to purchase and ultimately the actual purchase.

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Question 4

The individual factor that should be included in the framework is the employment status of the consumer. Negotiating about a product without considering the financial ability of the consumer can be in futility, since the consumer will not be able to make the purchase even if the offer is appealing. By having a clue on the financial capability of the consumer, it is possible to use nonverbal communications tailored towards accomplishing the mission for selling the product.

Video 2: Shark Tank Episode Scrub Daddy Video

Question 1

In the video, the involved parties engage in nonverbal communication to convince the seller to give them the offer. The first notable nonverbal communication is active listening from the buyers as well as the seller. Active listening is evident in the way they node their heads, smile, respond to questions, and express themselves using gestures and hand movements. In the video, the seller engages the buyers through smiling, shaking his head, looking sideways to scan the room, and gesturing. On the other hand, the buyers use facial expressions, smiles, positioning, and posture, as well as eye contact to communicate their ideas directly to the seller.

Question 2

Through nonverbal communication, the seller is able to read the mind of the buyers, how they view the product, and the level of interest that they have in the offer. By smiling always, the parties open up to each other for more information. The high social status of the buyers mask the response from the seller who seems is feeling inferior to the buyers in the video. The fact that the buyers are smartly dressed in official attires and the seller is wearing a t-shirt means that he is likely to be intimidated by the formal approach and the seriousness that the buyers attach to the deal. The environment in which the negotiation takes place also presents an official approach, totally different from the ever smiling and almost unsure face of the seller. However, his calculated response and occasional direct look in the face of the person speaking presents the seller as a competent dealer who should be taken seriously if any deal is to be made in this case.

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