Online Custom «Leadership in Criminology» Essay Sample

Leadership in Criminology

Question 1.

The leadership style that Captain Cheryl Waters exhibited with Lieutenant Mark Paris is transformative leadership style. From the article it is realized that Mark Paris decides that in order to revitalize bike patrol in bolstering public relations as well as efficiency, bike patrol must be implemented. However, his boss, Captain Cheryl Waters, is adamant to give him enough resources and funds, thereby forcing him to come up with creative ways of carrying out bike repairs. With a great responsibility vested on him, Lieutenant Mark Paris was obliged to come up with ways in which the bikes could operate again. Despite being given absolutely no finances, the Lieutenant had to ensure that he succeeds in creating new ways to make the bikes become operational. Mark’s strategy in salvaging the parts that were unusable in old bikes and replacing the slightly worn out ones shows an aspect of creativity and transformation of wastes into usable materials. Moreover, the strategy that Mark used in his leadership skills helped train more officers on how to ride bikes, thus promoting security through increased nabbing of suspects and arrests of drug peddlers. This leadership style worked at transforming the whole police unit as well as creating more efficiency in the security system (Webb, 2007). The lieutenant uses the powers vested upon him by his captain to ensure that there is a transformation in the whole unit.

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Question 2.

The leadership theories that are reflected in the bicycle account is the Laissez-Faire Leadership theory. The Laissez-Faire leadership style is one that has always exhibited negative connotation. It entirely depicts an unmotivated leader who is reluctant to stimulate subordinates or create focus (Deluga, 1990). In addition, this leadership style gives the credit and offers emphasis based on the employee centered attribute towards organizational goals. Using this style initially collapses the employee’s interests since they offer no positive or negative positioning nor do they restrict at any given time (Webb, 2007). In the bicycle account, Cheryl Waters advises Lieutenant Mark on how to revitalize the bikes, but does not provide any source of funds for the activities aimed at restoring the bikes. However, Mark seizes the opportunity in ensuring he uses what he has to get that which he wants. Mark eventually proves Cheryl wrong by initiating the best way out of salvaging the bicycles that were worn out beyond repair.

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Another theory that is evident in the bicycle account is a participative form of leadership (Deluga, 1990). Despite being a lieutenant, Mark involves himself with bicycle repair activities to ensure that all the bicycles are working properly. Mark takes it upon himself to ensure that he repairs all the bicycles despite being told that cash was unavailable for the operation to take place. He participates in ensuring he gets ten working bicycles and thus wins the captain’s interest in allocating $10,000 to bicycle purchases and training of officers on how to snub criminal activities using the bikes. In participative leadership, the head of the department, who in this case is Lieutenant Mark, ensures he sets the pace and pioneers a given activity for other employees (Webb, 2007).

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By ensuring that he revitalized ten more bikes, Mark encouraged other police officers to take the issue of bike riding seriously, since he pioneered the renewal of bike policies. Moreover, Mark also participates in using the bikes with other junior police officers, thus making sure the bikes are used for the purposes for which they were intended. Participative theory is shown by both Captain Cheryl Waters and Lieutenant Mark Paris based on the bicycle account.

Question 3.

The leadership skills that Lieutenant Mark Paris used in implementing the bicycle patrol project are personal participation in the whole project. Lieutenant Mark Paris starts personal participation by repairing the bikes against the ethical values of leadership. Under normal circumstances, a junior employee could have participated in the repair under the instructions of Lieutenant Mark (Murphy, 2005). However, Marks takes it upon him to ensure that the project is completed as requested. The leadership skills shown by Lieutenant Mark are extremely unique since he takes part in the activities that could have been done by someone at a higher cost. As much as the police force tried to revitalize the project of using bikes, no man was ready to take part directly except for Lieutenant Mark Paris. His leadership skills are exemplary based on the fact that he directly associates with junior workers to ensure that the bicycle project comes to be achievable.

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Question 4.

If I was in charge of the bike patrol project, the leadership style that is used by Captain Cheryl Waters would not have come automatically since the whole process would involve various constraints thus creating inefficiency in production. Cheryl’s leadership skills are not as useful as Mark’s skills. Captain Cheryl denied Lieutenant Mark a chance to become more efficient in rejuvenating the bicycle project. For instance, had Captain Cheryl decided to give more funds to Lieutenant Mark at the beginning, the project would have been more successful compared to how it succeeded. If I was not in the same position as Captain Cheryl Waters, I would have developed more participative skills different from the ones he used. In fact, I would have given Lieutenant Mark the funds to repair the bikes at the start of the operation on reviving the bikes.

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