Review essay samples

Online Custom Review Essay Sample

Concert Review

Visiting a concert can be interesting, educating, entertaining, and breathtaking; however, when it is a salsa jazz concert it combines all possible feelings into one emotional charge that fills all the visitors of this event. The concert of Salsa ...

Critical Review of the Article: Adoption of British CER Models in Chinese Companies

Introduction It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the fact that the modern trends in globalisation affect various spheres. For this reason, corporate environmental reporting is also a reason for adoption of global trends. This issue is ...

Disaster Management

The frequency, magnitude and impact of natural disasters are increasing, and disasters, caused by natural hazards, violate the social, economic and environmental activities of people all over the world. Mitigation involves risk reduction and ...


In modern life, Halloween occupies one of the central places, as it is a popular holiday when people wear costumes and have fun at the parties. Despite the fact that this holiday is dedicated to evil and its creatures, people have turned it into the ...

Last Supper

The film, Last Supper 1976, tells of the tale of a pious plantation landowner during Cuba’s Spanish era. The story depicts historical activities of a sugarcane farm in Cuba, nearly the end of the eighteenth century. The most captivating ...

Life of Pi

The first time Yann Martel mentions the tiger is in the zoo. Pi’s father wants his children to realize how dangerous the tiger may be, he tries to teach his children a lesson in survival. He shows the children a tiger while devouring a goat, ...

Literature Review

Brown, et al. (2005). The Attenuating Effect of Role Overload on Relationships Linking Self-Efficacy and Goal Level to Work Performance. Journal of applied Psychology, 90, 972-979. The dedication to maintain high performance at the workplace can ...

Malcolm Gladwell’s Speech on Choice, Happiness and Spaghetti Sauce

Malcom Gladwell delivered a very informative speech on what should be considered when making sauce. He did so by drawing examples from many practices in the food sciences and research world. This essay discusses his method of delivery, eye contact, ...


Synopsis of the Play Langston Hughes play mulatto is a detailed play which deals with issues of racial conflict between two characters. Mulatto is based on the depression era which saw most of the people glad for any job they acquired including ...

Reflection on Kenyon Commencement Speech 2005

The average requirement of the commencement speeches in the US involves the most essential and obvious realities which are often difficult to talk about as well as see (Wallace, 2005). In day to day stages of leading adult way of life, there is an ...

Response Paper

The article “Privacy and Self-disclosure in Multi-agent Systems” proposes self-disclosure decision making mechanism to be used by agents in deciding whether disclosure of personal data attributes with regards to other agents is ...

Synthesis with Steven Johnson

According to Steven Johnson, the popular TV shows have become more challenging and complicated involving multiple threading and social networking. They make the audiences smarter. By randomly comparing one episode from two sitcoms: I Love Lucy ...

The Birth of a Word by Deb Roy

The talk by Deb Roy is one of the most thrilling expositions of the role of technology in tracing language acquisition for children. It is presented with the aid of a computer program that makes it easy to follow: it uses visual aids as Roy said. In ...

The Dance of Legislation by Eric Redman

Without a doubt, the issue of juridical procedure remains one of the most controversial in the contemporary sphere of legislation. It covers even the realm of practical medicine and nursing, manifesting its tremendous impact on the presented ...

"Think and Grow Rich"

Think and Grow Rich is a book written in 1937 by an American psychologist, journalist, and writer Napoleon Hill. The book describes thirteen steps that lead to success both in business and other areas. Principles formulated by the author are based ... Testimonials

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