Online Custom «Marketing Internationally» Essay Sample

Marketing Internationally

The article, “Tips for Increasing Sales in International Markets” available as reported through by the New York Times magazine by Mount (2010) discusses the subject of increasing sales in international markets. It was retrieved April 26, 2013 from It explains how diversification in market operations can be realized across borders to increase sales and grow business. One Mr. Siegel explains how businesses have been able to enter new markets through online advertisements and webs particular to the targeted country addressing needs for various consumers in Australia, Finland, Canada and Finland.

Mount (2010) explains how international sales have increased over a period of 18 months by 75% in 2009 mainly on orders made internationally reaching to Nigeria and Zimbabwe among several other regions. The president of the United States and small business are encouraged to replicate Siegel’s methods. All these are founded on the concept of international marketing where the USA and small companies could export its products and services in a strategic way to build the economy.

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This article shows how marketing across borders is such a significant effort that requires careful study and move. International marketing is specific and depends on the targeted culture, values, norms, traditions and nation as a whole. Selling across would thus be fruitful if the company or organization identifies with the other people’s way of life. My opinion on this news is that, choosing a market and especially across borders starts with finding customers. Marketing overseas is that a multifaceted concept that requires the performance of such activities as highlighted here to direct the flow of goods and services.

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