Online Custom «Fighting Prostitution» Essay Sample

Fighting Prostitution

Prostitution is a monetary exchange for sex. It is a kind of activity sound compensated even though low expertise and exhaustive trade that employs the largest number of women internationally. According to an investigation held by the international labor office, between 0.25 and 1.5% of feminine population in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand operate as prostitutes (Edlund 181-214).This practice should not be legalized, since it, firstly, negatively affects families, as some married women leave their families to engage in prostitution. Many of such women are referred to as productive prostitutes. Most of them bear children, contrary to the prostitutes who offer commercial sex without bearing children (Korn 181- 214). Productive women are rare as many of them do not want to bear fatherless children.

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Fatherhood is not evident and communities have preferred to vest nurses instead of fathers with the evasion of guardianship rights. Women practicing prostitution do not bear children as the men they are involved with do not take custody of children (Edlund 181-214). Conversely, women sell their bodies to men. Most of these men have been deprived of guardian rights and communal respect; hence, force themselves into commercial sex. In addition, prostitution should not be legalized as it goes to the extent of breaking marriages and forcing women to take the role of both parents (Edlund 181-214). Prostitution also takes part of the productive period of women, rendering them childless when they are later married.

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Different lawful systems have been implemented in Nevada where prostitution is highly favored by the state. Licensed brothels control avenue prostitution by providing good surroundings for both customers and prostitutes (Symanski 357-377).They should not be legalized since they provide irritant provisions given that they are held by more than 200 prostitutes. Little girls are also exploited in the brothels where they often contract venereal diseases. Moreover, there is a likelihood of finding people with criminal records in brothels, hence threatening the lives of associates.

Some people take drugs before attending such places. This practice of prostitution endangers human lives as depicted above, hence, should not be legalized in the nations that allow it. In Europe, a discussion on prostitution reveals distress about physical condition, employment and individual rights. A research conducted on 68 women prostitutes, showed that 23% of them were beaten and had their bones wrecked. Some women also had unintended pregnancies and endeavored to terminate them. This could, however, lead to infertility as mentioned above, or enduring impairment (Kilvington, Day and Ward 78-93).

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Women practicing prostitution suffer depression in the course of alcohol consumption and drug abuse. Most of them are, however, obsessed with drugs and are at the danger of suicide and murder. Some women take prostitution as a career and are entitled to many of the rights along with other workers. This has led to an expansion in the prostitution industry, hence, many immoral behaviors associated with the practice (Kilvington, Day and Ward 92). Noteworthy, prostitution should not be legalized as it violates the rights of individuals who succumb to it.

Eradication of prostitution in the 19th century was created in ethical disagreement to state where registration of prostitutes was done for the reason of ailment management and community order. However, the customers did not surrender to normal health check intimidating self-esteem in the army, as being unwanted (Kilvington, Day and Ward 78-93). Even after legalization of prostitution in Europe, the prostitutes did not adhere to the set rules, therefore, endangering the lives of other citizens through communication of venereal diseases. Eradication and regulation policies were affected by the distress of AIDS. The main concern was to lessen virus diffusion through counsel on safer actions. The concern on AIDS has not altered any change in the sex industry as many Europeans move from one country to the other on work basis, urging to purchase sex. This contributes ultimately to the spread of the disease, hence, calling for a legal action on prostitution (Kilvington, Day and Ward 78-93).

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In the Netherlands, engagement in prostitution was against the law. Since the preface of this law in 1911, there has been a steady decline in accomplishment which means that prostitution had been extended as a mode of existence. Brothels and adaptation regions have been ignored. Pressure grew amid the state law and local strategy leading to a difficult scheme that was not easy to govern. A new law was thereby set with conditions that brothels would not disrupt the public and would be located far from schools and businesses. With reference to prostitution in the Netherlands, it is observed that prostitution can be legalized as long as the conditions do not disrupt the standards of living of other citizens (Kilvington, Day and Ward 78-93). Definitely, this approach does not alleviate the problems connected with prostitution, therefore, it cannot be assumed efficient or even apparently illegal.

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In Sweden, the figures of those implicated in prostitution are little contrary to the ones in Netherlands. The Swedish regime reflects on prostitution as hostility against women predominantly in the number of sexual attacks associated with prostitution. The first noticeable outcome was a reduction in the number of women in the regions alleged to be traditionally most affected by the issue. In 1999, only three women were arrested for prostitution and fined. This shows clearly how Swedish people have chosen to fear the circumstances related with prostitution unlike the people of the Netherlands (Kilvington, Day and Ward, p. 92). The effort to de-stigmatize an element of the gender industry in Netherlands is an essential move towards improved physical conditions, service and strength of mind for workers. Sex personnel may function in hidden places with exaggerated associations to the immoral areas as well as the drug business. This may, however, lead to misuse, hostility and a boost in drug exploitation destroying the woman’s physical condition (Kilvington, Day and Ward 78-93).

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Prostitution should not be legalized since many of those practicing it start while very young instead of engaging in more beneficial and socially acceptable activities. The young girls earn more boosting the country’s economy in the regions where it is legally practiced. According to Symanski (357-377), prostitution is highly payed compared to other works since it is an illegal action. The main resistance to prostitution comes primarily from church assemblies and legislative leaders who have not encountered prostitution face to face. Restricted prostitution is accountable for withdrawing the outcome of rape and other brutal offenses. Symanski (357-377) adds that it is healthier to manage prostitution than to have it spread illegally, since the disadvantages accompanied with the act will be experienced all over the world.

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Partly, it is understood that prostitution will subsist whether required or not, it is, however, desirable to detain it and practice it away from the roads and out of public entries. In that sense, brothels are considered better than optional places like homes and public avenues. However, purchasing a woman’s body is of a great defiance to her individual dignity. Lawful actions that deal with the claim for feminine sexual possessions can be more successful if put into consideration. Force must be exerted on the U.S armed forces to forbid the army from taking advantage of women prostitutes at home and overseas. We ought to protect the course of new global individual rights that deals with this international calamity in individual rights. It should start with understanding that women exercising prostitution are someone’s relatives, as well as one has women relatives, and that trafficking in their body abuses the privileges of every woman (Kilvington, Day and Ward 78-93).

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