Online Custom «Competitor Analysis» Essay Sample

Competitor Analysis

The virtuous environment in the United States of America has resulted to a stiff competition among companies producing ice cream. As a result of the improvement of the living standards of many Americans, Popsicle Company is facing much competition from other companies. Haagen-Dazs, Dreyer's and Sussex Ice Cream Company have remained great competitors of Popsicle.


This company was established by Rose Mattus and Reuben in the Bronx New York in the year 1961. Initially, the company started with three flavors of chocolate, coffee and Vanilla. The enterprise established its first selling store in Brooklyn in 1976. The company has now flourished and has opened more outlets in America. It has become a leading competitor to Popsicle Company in the ice cream production industry. It has brought a lot of competition to Popsicle Company because it holds a distinction place in the market. It is among the few companies that produce commercial ice cream brands without stabilizers such as carrageenan Guar gum and Xanthan gum. I addition to this, It also produces ice cream cakes and bars, frozen yogurt and Gelato. Finally, the company has brought a big competition in the market because its flavors come in several traditional flavors and esoteric flavors. The company also adds little air when mixing during mixing it does not use emulsifiers in its productions. These are some of the things that have made this company very competitive in the ice cream production industry.

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Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream Holdings

This company is a subsidiary of Nestle in the United States. It is mainly involved in the production of ice cream. It was founded in the year 1928 by Josepha Eddy and William Dreyer. In the year 1947, the partnership between the two companies was dissolved, and in the year 1953, William Dreyer took over the company. From the year 1981, the company expanded and become a leading competitor to Popsicle. The company has brought much competition to Popsicle Company because Dreyer has resulted to selling its products at a much reduced price. To remain competitive, Dreyer is offering a highly satisfying snack option. It is debuting its popular slow churned frozen yogurt blends in snack size cups. The company produces active and live flavors that help consumers maintain or have healthy digestive system. The company’s flavors are also a rich source of calcium. The company is also competitive to Popsicle because it offers snack size fruits that a healthier and pleasing in smell to its customers. The snacks are highly low in calories and this makes the company’s products very competitive in the market. Finally, the company is running some community activities. The company has partnered with Fruit Tree Planting Foundation, and it is planting tree orchards in United States. This has increased the company’s customer base.

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Sussex Ice Cream Company

This is another leading ice cream producing company based in the United States Sussex region. It was started in the year 2008. It has become very competitive in the market because of its flavors. It was started by Master Chef Dan Clarke and Red Anywhere. The company’s vision or goal is to rise above other ice cream producing companies like Popsicle. The company has managed to be competitive in the ice cream industry because its products are not produced using artificial preservatives, flavorings and colorings. It uses traditional flavors. The company is highly passionate about the flavors of their ice creams. The company is customer centered; it collects feedback from its customers and tries to implement the customer’s opinions. The company has a variety ice cream flavors such as white chocolate, Pina Colada and salted caramel. Theses flavors have permitted the company to continue being competitive in the market.

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