Politics essay samples

Online Custom Politics Essay Sample

A Comparative View of Political Contract: Hobbes and Locke

Introduction In any kind of leadership or governance, there exists either written on unwritten contract between the leaders and those who are led. There are many writings on the nature of this contract. Some of the most quoted writings emanate from ...

Could the 2003 Invasion of Iraq Be Considered a Legitimate Humanitarian Intervention?

From the point of view of the international law, humanitarian intervention may be defined as a forcible interference in the legitimate state governance for the primary purpose of protecting the subjects from oppression and abuse by its own ...

Course Project Final: FEMA FY 2009 EOC Grant Program

Investment Impact According to the information available on the Emergency Operations Center Grant, it is evident that the FY 2009 EOC Grant Program should enhance emergency management and preparedness capabilities. These improvements should happen ...

Institutional Framework of Federal Acquisitions

Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) are a set of rules and regulations issued by the Federal Government. These rules and regulations control acquisition process through which the government acquires goods and services. The process comprises of ...

Liberalism as a Political Ideology

Countries or states in the world are ruled and guided by a set of doctrines recognized by the people. Political ideologies exist to offer guidance and explanation to the way of dealing with people in a given nation. Moreover, political ideology ...

President Obama’s 2013 State of the Union Address

The 2013 State of the Union Address was a comprehensive speech given by the United States current President Barack Obama. He gave the speech at the chamber of the United States House of Representatives on February 12, 2013 at 9 PM EST. Barack Obama ...

The Concept of Power and Its Relation to Freedom

The appetite for power is inherent in the human species. Power revolves around the ability to influence an outcome of an event geared towards achieving the desired objective and/or influence another agent to choose and act against their wishes. To ...

The Limits of Democracy

The academic community repeatedly acknowledged the benefits of the democratic form of government. However, the effects of the expansion of democracy beyond the national borders are a debatable issue. Many scholars agree that the rapid ...

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