Education essay samples

Online Custom Education Essay Sample

Apple Technology in the Classroom

Nowadays, information is easily available from various sources. The information that is used by students during the whole school year is usually received thanks to a computer and the Internet. Technology innovations add to information ...

Benefits of Higher Education

The benefits of higher education are numerous and varied. These benefits can either be to an individual, to the family or the society by extension. The benefits to the individual can be basically divided into two categories, extrinsic benefits and ...

Checking Understanding

I had a good time reading the article “ ‘Any Questions?’: Investigating the Nature of Understanding-Checks in the Language Classroom.” The article attracts me because of two reasons. The first is that it is a well-composed ...


Developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) is viewpoint in early childhood learning where a teacher takes care of a child’s emotions socially or emotionally and cognitive development through application of theories on child development. An ...


Definition E-learning refers to the use of technology in teaching and learning, with electronic media and Information Communication Technology facilitating it (Blinco, Mason and McLean, 2011). It includes many types of media such as audio-visual ...

Education Changes People in Variety of Ways

The importance of education cannot be debated. It is common knowledge that education is the key to success in the current generation. Time has passed when education was not known as a basic need. To many countries especially the undeveloped one's ...

Evaluating the Fun Toolkit in Eliciting Children’s Learning Experience

The study investigates evaluation of the Fun Toolkit tool in eliciting learning experience among children. The tool is considered to be an evaluation method that may be used to elicit one’s experience to provide a user interface redesign for ...

Labov’s Analysis of Language Variation and Language Change

Introduction The study of language variation emerged from a simple observation that language varies among individuals, social groups, and communities. Earlier theories regarded natural language as homogeneous, and language was referred to as a ...

Learning Theories and Styles

Individuals are considered to learn through several methods and a few learning theories have been developed in relation to learning. Each of these theories is related to various learning styles and are explored in this essay. Behaviorist ...

Reflective Exercise: School Partnership

The school I am familiar with lacks dynamics. Shared leadership is its weak point, which is the reason for the low level of professional community development. Teachers usually work separately from each other, only rarely taking advice from more ...

Security Career Education and Training

Security personnel’s need appropriate pre-services and in career education and training to perform well in their career. However, the bureau of labor in statistics (BLS) offers knowledge on education and training needs for thousands of ...

Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Mention the important principles that make young learners grasp a foreign language better than older ones, and how can you, as an EFLT, make use out of these principles? During my experience in teaching English as a foreign language I had the chance ... Testimonials

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