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The River Nile has majorly influenced the civilization of the North Africa. North Africa has most of its lands located in the desert region, and the climate is the same throughout the year with very little rain falls. It has tones of sand surrounding it, making better parts of the land barren. Even though most of the North African land is sandy and barren, the banks of the river have fertile soils and wildlife. Its water and rich mud from the Ethiopian territory is believed to have nurtured the 3000 years of pre-Roman Empire civilization. The river Nile has been paramount in development and rise of most North Africa nations. It is the banks of the fertile river Nile and the presence of water which ensure continuity of the deserts in the North Eastern Africa.
River Nile has contributed a lot in the rise and success of the North African countries. The management of the river’s resources greatly affected the development of North Africa. The river was a wellspring of food in that it gave rich land along the edges of the Nile. The river plains facilitated fertile soils for farming through the silt. The fertile soils from the upper regions and mountains contributed to the development of several cities along its banks, especially the Cairo. Plants were now able to grow, providing food security and sustenance for the people living there. It was possible by the rise and fall of the River Nile, whose rise in July causes water to enter and fill the canals while its fall in October leaves rich deposits of silt when receding.
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River Nile provided water that was utilized by the North African peoples residing along it in the watering of their crops and plants. The water that entered the canal and was collected in basins during the rise period in July was seen to meet the crop water requirements for the following year, which were then harvested before the returns of flood. Through farming and cultivation of crops, the North African countries could sell their products and cater for their needs. This made them grow, since it is during this period that they developed the art of accounting and record keeping.
The river contained large masses of water. This facilitated the construction of dams and cities in North Africa. It was enhanced by frequent spring floods experienced annually when the river would burst its banks or overflow. Southern North Africa constructed its several dams, including the Aswan High Dam, in the early 1900s. Its purpose was to manage the effects of these floods by controlling them to suitable levels, but this posed some negative effects of reduced soil deposits and fertility levels. The construction of the dams also provided the development of canals and sluices.
The dams constructed along the River Nile were crucial in the generation of power, electricity and irrigation in the North Africa region. They ensured there was water throughout the year, which favored the growth of variety of staple crops as irrigation was possible all year long. The differing seasons and changing courses resulted in high inundation periods, which caused havoc on the land, obliterating the boundaries, which would necessitate the surveys to be redone on it. This contributed immensely to the development and maintenance of the hierophylics and systematic calendar of reckoning time.
The Nile River served as a main transport vessel that has encouraged the capabilities of the travel and communications systems. The North Africa was few miles wide and more than 700 miles long, yet no North African roads had been recorded at that time. The vessels used in the river were the papyrus boats that sailed along with the prevailing winds and were necessary for hunting expeditions. The river connected the portions of most North African countries to the capital city of Cairo for trade and communication. The Nile unified the vast narrow nation by providing an ideal North-South transportation means. Goods and other commodities could be delivered from, for example, the mouth of the Nile to the urban areas in the south. Horticultural products could be dispatched to the urban communities; metals could be transported from mines. This stream roadway made a variety of things conceivable.
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The trade in the North Africa facilitated the interaction among the citizens in the region. Items could be transported from all corners of the region, like, for example, from the source of the river to its mouth, for construction. Agricultural goods would also move to the cities as well as the mined ores shipped out from the mines. The presence of the river, therefore, encouraged business expansion in North Africa. Due to the several waterfalls present in the south of North Africa, the River Nile served to provide invasive forces to the north from the south.
The river facilitated the construction of buildings and cities in the region. Real estates in North Africa have emerged along the banks of the River Nile that were the precursors of the cities. Various reasons are behind these developments, which include the agriculture boom and the expansion of transport and communication systems. Cities in the ancient times were only founded when there was a solid and legitimate organization as well as the significant surplus of agricultural produce from what the farmers had to survive from. The value of land was higher as one got closer to the river as well as in locations that were not flooded annually.
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The river waters also have a variety of other benefits. The river facilitated the growth of papyrus reeds necessary for manufacturing the ropes and boat caulks used during travels along the Nile. The same river has provided a source of drinking water for most of the North African countries during its rise. The papyrus reeds lined the banks of the river, and its ability to absorb water prompted its use in manufacturing paper-like writing materials and surviving sheets.
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