Medicine essay samples

Online Custom Medicine Essay Sample

ACE Inhibitors in Diabetes

Diabetes, especially type II diabetes mellitus in adults is commonly associated with arterial hypertension. There are numerous antihypertensive drugs that can be generally prescribed in arterial hypertension: adrenergic receptor antagonists ...

Contemporary Approach in Diabetes and HIV Management

Introduction Recent findings by health experts indicate that there are indeed high chances of individuals suffering from diabetes and HIV infection to have a long life span. The statement contradicts some beliefs and perceptions from members of the ...

Drug and Alcohol Abuse and HIV/AIDS

The HIV / AIDS disease has been in existence for three decades now. It is one of the pandemics that continues to afffect people. The disease has no cure to date. This implies that the lives of the sick will be destroyed. The condition also takes ...

Moral Dilemmas and Nursing Leadership

As any other sphere of occupation, healthcare has its own conceptual framework of ethics and moral standards. The well-known principle of doing no harm, medical confidentiality, the responsibility for life and health of patients, problems of ...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Despite the level of development, the experience of generations, and the newly acquired knowledge and skills, modern society has not freed itself from severe shocks and their impact on human life. Modern conditions involve a hard socio-economic ...

Statistical Data of Congenital Heart Disease

Why is it Important to Investigate the Statistical Data of Congenital Heart Disease and its Relevance to a Better Quality of Life? Executive ...

Subjective Data

A 49-year old male complaints of digestive tract disorders. He reports to experience loss of appetite (Jarvis, p.21-2), a rather non-specific complaint. Loss of appetite, however, in combination with other complaints and data from his history point ...

Type 2 Diabetes

The term diabetes mellitus implies disorders that are characterized by chronic hyperglycemia with fat, protein metabolism and carbohydrate disturbances and result from defects of the insulin action or insulin secretion. The World Health Organization ...

Uterus Changes During Pregnancy

The uterus is a hollow, muscle walled organ that is approximately 7.5 cm in length, 5 cm in breadth, 2.5 cm in thickness, weighing 30 to 40 grams in an adult woman (Gray’s Anatomy, 2013). This reproductive organ is placed within the pelvic ...

Vaccination of Measles

Background Information Measles and rubella are, so far, the major causes of both child disability and mortality, which could be prevented by the use of vaccination. Their elimination started with the Americas, and some other regions have also ... Testimonials

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